When Do You Need a Wrongful Death Claim Lawyer in Orlando

When Do You Need A Wrongful Death Claim Lawyer in Orlando

Accidents caused by someone else’s negligence can be dreadful. The case gets worse when the accident leads to the death of a loved one. Such a sudden death brings undue emotional and financial challenges to your loved ones. Our seasoned wrongful death claim lawyers understand the depth of the issue and apply their years of experience and expertise to help you recover the compensation you deserve for all your economic and noneconomic losses. If you have clarity that your loved one has died out of the negligence of another person or party, contact us at Louis Berk Law.


What is a Wrongful Death?


A death is wrongful when one is deprived of one’s right to life due to someone else’s fault or negligence, beyond what is natural death. The death throws some financial challenges to the remaining family members. Wrongful death claims primarily aim to provide the victims with compensation.


A wrongful death claim must meet four conditions to be considered as one;


1. The defendant is party or fully responsible for the death
2. The defendant is utterly negligent in the victim’s death
3. The deceased person leaves surviving family members behind
4. A large monetary loss is associated with the accident


It is not advisable to file a wrongful death suit if the accident case does not cover all the conditions. Consult our wrongful death claim lawyer at Louis Berk Law to see whether you can file a case.


Common Causes of Wrongful Death


A number of circumstances can result in wrongful death. Our team of skilled attorneys holds years of experience in handling wrongful death claims resulting from accidents, including,


1. Car accidents
2. Truck accidents
3. Pedestrian accidents
4. Slip and fall accidents
5. Premise Liability
6. Animal attacks


Property Owner Negligence Resulting in Wrongful Death


If a property owner fails to maintain the space, leading to fatal injuries of your loved ones, the case comes under premise liability laws. It is an area of law that takes over the personal injury cases caused due to a property owner’s lack of maintenance of the premises. When a landlord or lady fails to fulfill the responsibility, the visitor gets injured or killed. As a result, the law holds the property owner liable for the damage or even the death. Our attorneys represent the clients to deal with the uniquely-challenging circumstances. In case of a slip and fall accident, connect with an Orlando slip and fall attorney at Louis Berk Law.


Who can file a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Orlando?


If a loved one has passed away in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, the close family members can file wrongful death claims for a fair amount of compensation. They can recover the amount for the damages caused by the accident.


Ones who can file a wrongful death lawsuit in Orlando include the deceased one’s:


1. Spouse
2. Children
3. Parents
4. Blood or adopted family members


The wrongful death claim attorneys will communicate with the deceased person’s family, collect all the evidence and documents, and help the victim’s family get compensation from the negligent party. We make sure that if you or any of your loved ones have come across a similar occurrence, to help receive compensation for economic and noneconomic losses.


Compensation Generating Factors on Wrongful Death Claims in Florida


To what extent the victim’s family can recover damanges depends on several aspects of the case. A Louis Berk Law wrongful death claim lawyer in Florida takes time and information to look into your case, consult your financial, medical, and other professionals to calculate your damage. The factors considered include,


1. Personal injury claim
2. Medical bills and personal injury expenses
3. The deceased one’s wages
4. Health insurance, social security, and veteran’s benefits
5. Funeral and burial costs
6. Emotional loss
7. Loss of services
8. Mental distress


How Louis Berk Law Can Help


Wrongful death claims seem simple, but it takes sharp legal knowledge and minute attention to detail to win over the case and get the compensation one deserves. When a loved one dies in an unexpected situation, it takes a toll on the family, who suffer from pain and trauma. After such an occurrence, when the family is immersed in misery and darkness, it is essential to immediately connect with an expert wrongful death attorney who thoroughly investigates your case, collects all the evidence, and represents you before the law to get you the compensation you deserve. Hiring an attorney from Louis Berk Law helps you even mourn in peace when your legal matter is in expert hands.

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