Are you severely injured in a road accident? A police officer would immediately report to the location and records the incidents and skid marking, time, and other details. However, that doesn’t suffice to navigate the case to benefit you or get the compensation you deserve. You need help to go through the challenging phase of life. You don’t earn to take the burden of collecting evidence to prove your liability. Thus we have presented how an expert car accident attorney navigates the case and shield your legal rights. Please read the article to understand how your perspective differs from a talented car accident attorney.
Get expert assistance in building a solid case:
Gathering evidence:
Some strong evidence against the negligent driver whose actions caused the accident remains unnoticed until an expert Injury Attorney Orlando handles it. They navigate the case effortlessly yet don’t hesitate to consult or collaborate with other lawyers in the field.
The law requires the drivers to keep a safe stopping distance between the vehicles. Therefore they look into the case from multiple perspectives to detect the predominant cause of the accident. This specific factor is proposed to rear-end collisions which account for about 20-30% of road accidents.
They track the local car accident statistics:
They study and update themselves regularly and take the help of resources to improvise their skills. For instance, they conduct case studies and discover the dangers of slight negligence, which they utilize for their clients. For instance, they study the nuances of alcohol-related car accidents and discover how repetitive specific negligence is causing accidents. You’d be shocked to know that there are almost 350 accidents every year due to alcohol usage, which causes about 30-50 fatalities every year.
Regardless of the intoxicating substance, the driver is regarded as he acted recklessly, which constituted massive negligence and caused the accident.
They are well-versed in the factors causing accidents:
If you have acquired damages because of a negligent driver, you might not fully understand the actual negligence that caused the accident. However, a skilled Orlando Car Accident Attorney conducts an investigation so expertly and identifies the exact negligence of the driver that caused the accident. Thus they would easily navigate the case to the right path.
Without proper legal knowledge and expertise, it is not possible to find out the negligence of the driver at fault. Some of the distractions and negligent factors that you may miss notice of the negligent driver include the following:
Speeding is one of the major contributing factors in road accidents, where about 26% of traffic fatalities are due to speeding (Source) . In Florida, you can never see a posted speed limit above 70mph. A skilled Orlando Car Accident Attorney performs their investigation with experienced investigators who are capable of calculating the drag factors, breaking efficiency of each wheel of the vehicle, the skid marks on the road, and other factors. They formulate the rate of speed with multiple variables and use it to prove your liability when they represent you.
Distracted driving:
You may not know or understand every type of distraction that leads to car accidents in Orlando. Remember, every driver on the roads of Orlando owes responsibility over others sharing the road. Therefore they have to be mindful of their possible distractions, such as:
● Cognitive distractions:
Do you know that the newly updated laws on distracted driving state that are using a hand-held device while driving is considered a primary office, and the law has set a range of penalties when the driver is cited with any type of infraction? The disadvantages are generally in the form of fines or points on the driver’s license. A skilled car accident lawyer gathers the cell phone records of the negligent party to prove your liability and utilizes technologies that present the activity of the driver while driving.
● Visual distractions:
Taking eyes off the road for any reason comes under visual distraction; it also includes the previous reason – cell phone distraction. Do you know that a vehicle running at a speed of 55mph could cross the area of a football court when its driver takes his eyes off the road for 5 seconds? This shows that assessing these distractions is crucial to present against the negligent driver.
● Manual distractions:
Floridian laws that are designed for distracted driving cases have witnessed several improvements in recent times. The law considers texting while driving as illegal across Florida. However, eating while driving is not considered a criminal activity. Nevertheless, eating while driving has been one of the significant reasons why motorists get distracted.
It is essential to consider the hidden nuances of the activity and the driver engaged in eating while driving, taking his hands off the steering wheel, choking on their food, spilling something on themselves, and other hidden nuances could cause severe damage to others or themselves, especially when on the busiest roads of Orlando. These factors can be held against the negligent driver.
Other than distractions, a skilled Orlando Car Accident Attorney goes through other factors that caused the accident, such as adverse weather conditions, drunk driving, drowsy or fatigued driving, and many more.
You may need clarification and help even when in an accident that occurred on dry roads, in clear weather, and in daylight hours. Rain or shine, whoever is driving in the streets of Orlando should abide by the laws and conduct themselves with good driving behavior. However, if you are injured by the negligence of another driver, don’t panic. Speak with an expert attorney before you speak with your insurance adjustors to get the best compensation you deserve.