Fighting for Your Rights: What to Expect from an Orlando Personal Injury Lawyer

Have you or any of your close ones been in an accident?


If you or anyone known to you have suffered from severe injuries after being hit in an accident, initially it might seem impossible to get back on your feet again. Be the personal injury light or intense, it takes a toll on the physical wellness of an accident victim. Not only that, the accident and related trauma have a heavy impact on an individual’s mental state and overall being. Even when injuries are minor, you may suffer from lost wages, rising medical bills, and stress and tension always lurking at the back of your mind.


To deal with the issue rightly, you must consult a personal injury attorney in Orlando to fight for your rights and get the fairest compensation for your losses. Here at Louis Berk Law Firm, we have clients from all over Orlando fighting to protect their rights to compensation after they have faced an accident.


Your Rights, Responsibility, & the Role of Personal Injury Law


When it concerns the accident claim that you can file, you must understand what negligence implies. Negligence happens when the opposite party fails to meet their responsibility toward the victim. Everyone should abide by the responsibility of Duty of Care to create a healthy and disciplined society. All must ensure they can’t take risky or unnecessary actions that might lead to harm.


And here we talk about the injured person who has undergone an accident, resulting in physical injuries and property losses. In that case, it is highly advisable to hire the best Orlando Car Accident Attorney who can help you in winning the financial compensation that you deserve, as there are high chances that you can be robbed of your compensation rights by your insurance company. It is highly risky to fight for compensation on your own, especially against an insurance company that holds a lot of legal resources. In such cases, the chances of losses are high.


What to Expect from Our Personal Injury Lawyers?


When our personal injury attorneys represent you, the core intent remains that we present a detailed evidence file to the at-fault party’s insurance company. Practical and compelling evidence implies that your case will end up in a settlement rather than a trial.
Our personal injury attorneys at Louis Berk Law Firm assist you by taking the most needed actions to help you get a fair compensation amount.


Look at what we do for you;


1. Talk to the witnesses and collect information while their memories are fresh.
2. Examine the accident scene and adjacent places for photos and videos taken during or immediately after the accident.
3. Calculate and assess the financial value of your physical and mental trauma, property losses, loss of wages, and medical expenses.
4. Prove the at-fault party’s negligence and liabilities.
5. Deal with all the case-related verbal, written, and virtual communications.
6. Negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance companies to receive the best compensation providing needed documents, evidence, and proof.
7. If the attorneys can not reach an agreeable settlement, we represent you in court and proceed with a successful trial to bring you the proper compensation.


Types of Injuries You Can Claim Compensation for


No matter how the accident happened, and even if you are not sure who is responsible for all your losses, our team of efficient Orlando Personal Injury Attorneys work hard to reveal the truth before the court of law. Compensation awarded in the accident cases might include loss, pain, suffering, and inconveniences, including but not limited to the ones mentioned below,


1. Physical injury, including disfigurement, misalignment, chronic pain, scarring, impaired movement, paralysis, and others
2. Medical expenses, e.g., hospital or nursing home bills and medication cost
3. Mental stress and anguish, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and emotional instability, loss of passion, depression, etc.
4. Property losses
5. Vehicle damages
6. Drastic changes in quality of life
7. Wrongful death of a close one
8. Further financial losses and medical expenses
9. Wrongful death


Calculating all of your damages accurately is essential, and only then can you claim the right compensation against your losses. If you and the insurance company settle for an amount and later learn that it does not include all of the damages you have suffered, it would be almost impossible to demand further compensation. We highly recommend you consult our Orlando Personal Injury Attorney to get you the best settlement amount.


Final Words


The final decision to accept the offered settlement is always in your hands to make. Our personal injury attorneys’ team field all settlement offers and weigh the pros and cons to make the right decision. We aim to secure the best settlement offer so you can put your life back together with new zeal. No actions taken by the attorneys charge any fees. We fight for you on a contingency fee basis. The fee is only applicable when we can recover the compensation for you.

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